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Sabtu, 12 April 2014

Saussure: Language as Social Fact

         Toward the end of the century XII- Seem apparently everything looks good for the time, and some still remain convincing for the present. The similarities of language with biological has been widely rejected. This is make difficulty to understanding language as an academic discipline. If the language  is not the species of life. In the sense of whether the language is “stuff” that can be investigated? A layman pleased that French language is something that can be learned, which has a specific device and in some cases the same or similar to the English language but differ in other respects. But when the French language in an item and the item is something strange. It is clear that it is not a concrete object such as a table or as a stretch of land called French.  You can not see or hear the French language. You can hear is Gaston waiter said: “pas si bĂȘte..” You can see a line on a sheet of newspaper “Le Monde” but how can we interpret a being called the French language which is behind the thousands of concrete phenomena than can be observed as in the two earlier example? What kind of form that language? Biological paradigm shows the relationship between speech and French language as the relationship between certain carrots and carrot species; And up to the rejection of the biological paradigm opinion, this opinion has been regarded as satisfactory even though people can only see or eat carrots. People evaluated that it is pretty important to talk about carrots species and discuss, said, genetic relationship and species tubers. But at the first time biology had thrown to the side of the road; Second, the people have argued that the paradigm can not provide a complete answer to the on going discussion in biology. Because the species is an abstraction, at least individual species is a concrete thing. So many things can be easily perceived from the carrots. But the linguistic analogy in biological individual is idiolect; And almost all, not all, same as abstraction from the concept of language. We can not hear Gaston idiolect as a form; We can only hear the examples of idiolect. The comments that he says when he saw a tip that we left off, and it doesn’t has the example of parallels idiolect in biology. So, even though it’s not consider as a particular problem by linguists in the XIX century, question of “How does the meaning of the language or dialect of the underlying reality that can be perceived from certain utterances” is remain exist at that time. People who can answer the question that can satisfy linguists during his period of time and nowadays is Swiss academician: Ferdinand deSaussure.
Mongin Ferdinand deSaussure is his full name, born in Geneva in 1857, children of Huguenot family who moved from Lorraine during wars of religion at the end of XVI century in French. Even though people nowadays consider Saussure as the first man who gave the definition about synchronic linguistic – study about language as system in certain time, which divide as historical linguistic (which Saussure distinguished by the name diachronic linguistics) for linguists during his period was the only approach available to be learned that time – in his lifetime wasn’t meant to be famous. Saussure was educated as ancient linguist and in his young age was succeeded to publish a book title Memoire sur lesysteme primitive des voyelles dans les langues indo-europeennes (1878). The book published a few weeks after his twenty-firth birthday, when he was a student in German. It was one of proto indo-European language. Saussure give a speech about Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes in Paris from 1881 until 1891, before he went back to teach in Geneva, the entire publishing and almost his work more associated with historical linguistic rather than synchronic linguistic, with  a deep analysis concerning in various Indo-European language and not with the basic theory. Whereas, although Saussure produce his work on the theory of general linguistic at about 1890 (Koerner, 1973: 29). He seems reluctant to give it to someone else, and the story of how the ideas be in publishing is a strange thing. At the end of 1906, he was asked to take over responsibility in giving lectures on general linguistics and comparative history and languages of the Indo-European scholar who was quit his service for 30 years; Saussure taught the material in the rest of his study  in 1908-1909 and 1910-1911. In the first years, Saussure limit his study only about historical; but when he give it in the second years, he also included a brief introduction about synchronic linguistics and in the third years, all semesters are used to provide synchronous linguistic theory. Shortly after that, he died without a chance to publish any material from that theory. Some people have been asked to publish but he always replied that preparing the materials is very time-consuming, but two of his friends, Charles Bally and Albert Sechehaye decided on a new fabric of the student notes with their lecture, Saussure. The book they produce is entitled Cours de linguistique Generale (Saussure 1916) can be used by scholars in the world to understand the thinking of Saussure and because of this the document, Saussure known as father of linguistic. 

Minggu, 24 November 2013

Town with no sun

Sunlight at last for the residents of this small town in Norway.  a) The council has placed giant mirrors on top of the hills surrounding the town centre to beam light into it during the dark winter months .
The sides of the valley are so steep and the mountain so high that the town of Rjukan was in shadow for almost half the year until the new invention was added.
“It’s important to have the sun in wintertime, and in this town we didn’t have the sun six months a year in wintertime and the people up here, they want to have the sun down. We have made a cable car to get up to the mountains, take people quickly up to the mountains, but now we also have an older, 100 years old idea, to make them realistic, we take the mirror and reflect the sun down to us. So it’s a crazy idea, but it’s funny and I think the people like it.”
b) The mirrors are controlled by a computer that follows the path of the sun, adjusting to the best angle to catch the rays and reflect them onto the town centre.
In the past, local residents only got sunshine by taking a cable car to the top of the mountain. But this new invention has been so popular, it’s thought other remote towns in the country will follow suit and build similar projects. http://www.newsinlevels.com/products/town-with-no-sun-level-3/

Analysis Grammar :
   a) The council has placed giant mirrors on top of the hills surrounding the town centre   to beam light into it during the dark winter months .

sentence( a) using present perfect tense (has placed). the form of present perfect tense is :
S + have/has + past participle
Besides, the words into is prepositions . In the a sentence prepositions show the relation of one word to another word. Prepositions require an object to complete them, typically a noun or a pronoun. A preposition and its object is called a prepositional phrase.
Notice that the prepositional phrase contains no verbs. Generally, they contain an adjective, a noun or pronoun and they can also contain a gerund. The noun or pronoun is the object of the   preposition. Prepositional phrases can also contain conjunctions to join two nouns or pronouns as in this example: - underneath sand and rock
b     b)     The mirrors are controlled by a computer that follows the path of the sun.

Sentence (b) using Passive sentence in Present Tense (are controlled). In passive sentences, the thing receiving the action is the subject of the sentence and the thing doing the action is optionally included near the end of the sentence. You can use the passive form if you think that the thing receiving the action is more important or should be emphasized. You can also use the passive form if you do not know who is doing the action or if you do not want to mention who is doing the action. The form is:
[Thing receiving action] + [be] + [past participle of verb] + [by] + [thing doing action]

Sabtu, 02 November 2013


The subjunctive is a verb form in English that is relatively rare, but is structurally very simple. It is a special kind of present tense; for all verbs except the past tense of ‘be’ (‘were’), the subjunctive is the same as the infinitive without ‘to’. Therefore, the subjunctive is simply the basic verb form (For example, do, work, demand, hire), with the difference that no ‘s’ is added to the verb when it is used with the third person singular. For example in the sentence I suggested that he take the matter to the proper authorities, ‘take’ is the subjunctive.
The subjunctive is generally used when talking about something that may or may not happen; it could be something that the speaker wants, hopes for, expects, or imagines. The following are more examples of subjunctives:

- If I were king, there would be no more famines.
- The chairman requests that all members of the board be present at the meeting.
- I demand that he provide us with a full explanation.

As you can see, the structure that the subjunctive takes is generally as follows: [subject] (I) [verb] (demand) ‘that’ [object] (he) [subjunctive] (provide)... The verbs that are commonly used before subjunctives are advise, ask, beg, decide, decree, desire, dictate, insist, intend, move, order, petition, propose, recommend, request, require, resolve, suggest, urge,and vote.
Another pattern exists as well, in which ‘that’ is preceded by an expression rather than the verb. For example in the sentence It is essential that the goods be delivered on time, ‘it is essential’ is the expression. The expressions that are commonly used with subjunctives are it is desirable/imperative/essential/necessary/important, etc.

Now, in the example If I were king..., there seems to be a slight problem, which is that ‘king’ is a singular noun, so the verb preceding it should normally be ‘was’, not ‘were’. However, this construction does not use ‘was’. ‘Were’ is the ‘past subjunctive’ of ‘be’, and is formally always with ‘if’, and certain other words/phrases, such as ‘I wish’ and ‘as if’; it is simply a quirk of the language. The following are more examples of the same:

- If I were you, I would take a stand on the issue.
- If he were not so intelligent, I would have fired him for his insolence.
- I wish she weren’t so dull. You act as if you were king.


Kamis, 11 Juli 2013

Komunikasi Bisnis - Letter of Application

AB Company 
432 Chauncey Street
Wringwoods, SE 210816, New York

Mr. John Tucker
QRS Company
73 Gretel Road
Hansel, New York

Dear Mr. John:

I will be graduating from MIT in June with a bachelor’s degree in computer science and I am interested in oppurtunities at QRS company.

I have worked as an intern with Loral Infrared and imaging Systems for the past two summers in their software engineering department. While there I developed data stream amulation software for the NASA AIRS weather satelite in C on UNIX AND Macintosh platforms. At MIT, Iworked in the Earth and Planetary Science Department to create a graphic user interfacing system for viewing data sent back by the Magellan space pro be orbiting Venus. This experience would be applicable to the creation of the GUI for the up-coming version of Clearcase revision control tools. While I have taken general course work in computer science, I have taken additional courses in media arts, systems design, algorithms, and artificial intelligence.

I would welcome the oppurtunity to meet with you and discuss my qualifications for working at QRS company. I believe my training has given me the skills to make valuable contribution. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
               Austin Miller

Komunikasi Bisnis - Memo

To: Jerry
From: Richard Kevin
Date: July 5, 2013
Re: Angeline Keihl’s Employment Status

Angeline Kiehl initiated a meeting with the management to discuss her current employment status, given her on-going leave without pay as 12 of march 2013. As her current family obligations do not allow for a full-time return to the office, Ms. Kiehl has requested an extension of the unpaid leave period up untill 20 October 2013. At that time, the management and Ms. Kiehl will revisit her engagement with the company . In the meantime, Ms.Kiehl will perform specific job tasks on an as-needed basis, as requested by the Technical Services Department.

Thank You.
Richard Kelvin

Komunikasi Bisnis - Letter of Order

The Order of Railway Conductors
                    Divison 343 –  Matterhorn, NY
June. 16. 2013

Mr. Keegan Harris,
33 Carolyn Street
 Matterhorn, NY 56654

Mr. Keegan,

The records of The Order of Railway Conductors New York US Division No. 343, show that join it on 21st. Day of march 2012 and at that time gave the date of your birth as, Feb. 18th. 2009.

   Fraternally yours,
 John Tucker
    John Tucker,
    Sec’y. Div. 343,
    42 candle street 
    Matterhorn, NY.